100th Post Blogapalooza

This is my 100th post since I began blogging here in the manosphere back in March. Given that it is a nice, big, round number, I’ve decided to break away from my usual pattern and do something special. For one, I’ve been inspired to update my About page. In this post I will cover some of the past, present and future of my blog. That means a list of my favorite, and least favorite posts, along with a poll so that my loyal readers can give their own opinion. I will also cover traffic features and chart the progress of my blog since it started. Then I will also give everyone an idea of some of the blog posts by other bloggers which I’ve been the most fond of in the last few weeks.

What a Long Strange Road it has Been

I began this blog on March 10th, 2013. As of the time this post was written, here are some stats about my blog:

I have received 57,151 All Time Views

There have been 1,763 Comments

My overall average of views per day since I started is 291. Here is a monthly tally:

March: 30; April: 96; May: 112; June: 231; July: 398; August: 478; September: 763

My single best day for views was August 29th, when I published my post Market Failure and received 1276 views.

The overwhelming majority of views come from the United States. #2 is Canada, followed by the United Kingdom.

Since my blog started, search engines have proven to be the single biggest referrer to my blog. Not too far behind in the #2 spot is Sunshinemary, with Hawaiinlibertarian taking the #3 slot. Free Northerner is in fourth place, followed by Dalrock in fifth.

Speaking of search engines, the single most popular term that has sent people to this blog has been my name (and the name of the blog). But if you include similar terms aimed towards the same purpose, than the most popular search term by far involves “female attraction”, or “what women find attractive in men.”

As for where I send people, the most popular recipient of clicks from my blog has proven to be Sunshinemary by a landslide. Taking up the #2 slot is Dalrock, and in third place we have rising star Embraceyourfeminity.

Since I’m on the subject of stars, my star post remains to this day The Five Vectors of Female Attraction. #2 is Market Failure. In third place we have Going APE: What Attributes do Women Find Attractive in Men (which is a recap of my LAMPS theory). #4 is The Need and The Void, followed by Moral Agency in Women-Revisited in fifth place.

Lastly, we turn to the comments. Besides myself, the top commenter is the infamous Deti, with 86 comments. In second place we have surprise runner up Elspeth, with 67 comments. Third place is taken by Deep Strength with 54 comments. Butterfly Flower takes up fourth place with 50 comments, and Sigyn is in fifth place with 46.

The most commented on post is Market Failure, with 159 comments. In second place, with 73 comments, is Exploring Ideas and Questioning Myself- Episode 1. Third place is occupied by Market Differences Between Christian and Secular Marriages, which has 69 comments.  In fourth place we have All Alone in the Dark with 66 comments. And in fifth place, with 63 comments, is A Gross Indecency.

This brings the recap to an end.

Casting a Shadow

In the six or so months that I have been blogging I have written five score posts. Some have been pretty good, a handful great, and a few others, not so much. All but one has been open to the public, and so I will base the following off of the public posts.  The following five posts are, in my opinion, the most important that I have written:

1) The Five Vectors of Female Attraction– [Which I have cleaned up some in Going APE: What Attributes do Women Find Attractive in Men?]

2) Moral Agency Revisted

3) Church Shopping and the Race to the Bottom

4) Its Not the Fall That Kills You

5) Further Thoughts on Moral Agency

So, what about the worst posts that I have written? Here is my list:

A Fitness Test of Mass Destruction?

News You Can Use

Whatever Happened to Your Sunday Best?

“The List”: A Tool for Rebellion Against God

What is Love?

Of these, I’m not sure which qualifies as the worst. Since I seem to be having some trouble with this, I will trust it to my loyal readers to clue me in. This brings us to the first poll: Which of these posts in the worst?

Looking Outward

Most of the bloggers on my blogroll are Christian, but not all write specifically on the subject of Christianity. But when they do, it is often illuminating. Below are some Christian specific posts I have been reading.

Elspeth provides us with a great new term to use for self-righteous wives in I Killed My Inner Pharishee (and you should too)

Zippy Catholic explains that Submission to Authority is Voluntary. Submission to Authority is Mandatory.

Lady Sigyn has recently examined the subject of Biblical Training.

CaseyAnn at Resting in Apricity blogged a brief quote about Eternity. I responded here.

Leap of a Beta, a recent convert to Catholicism, realizes that “My Work is Cut Out for Me” in terms of regularly attending a Latin Mass.

As I have become more focused on improving my own masculinity, I have also developed a greater appreciate for femininity in women. Here are a few blogs and posts which address the subject of femininity-

From Girls Being Girls, some noteworthy posts include Bringing Out Your Feminine Nature and Hitting the Gym.

Naomi of Embrace Your Femininity provides us with several lovely posts on the subject of Dresses and The Benefits of Wearing High Heels.

Allamagoosa provides some helpful tips for the ladies on Leggings and Hosiery. Given what I see most women wearing these days, such knowledge should be spread far and wide.

Of course, the majority of blogs on my blogroll are Red Pill in nature, and provide a goodly number of posts on the subject to examine.

Laura at Unmasking Feminism provides a hilarious comic which explains how women need men in Recharging Your Battery.

Sunshinemary wonders if promiscuity can affect a man as significantly as it can affect women in The Promiscuity Widower. In case you missed it, she blogged up a firestorm when she questioned Rollo’s argument that men and women love differently in He was Unhaaaaapy.

Stingray warns us that Its Going to Get Worse Before it Gets Better, in that the costs to men of associating with women are only going to increase.

Rollo Tomassi examines the problem of conflicting male and female SMV in the context of hypergamy in The Curse of Potential. He also warns against making Appeals to Reason to women.

Vox Day quotes from a letter by Florence Nightengale in On Female Sympathy. A sample:

Women crave for being loved, not for loving. They scream out at you for sympathy all day long, they are incapable of giving any in return, for they cannot remember your affairs long enough to do so…They cannot state a fact accurately to another, nor can that other attend to it accurately enough for it to become information. Now is not all this the result of want of sympathy?

Free Northerner warns us about the danger of Backsliding and Failure as we men try to improve our interactions with women.

Empathologism delves into the double standard of the way Churchians hold men and women to account with Men Apologize to Your Wives… For Sex.  At the same blog God is Laughing dares to enter Into the Maw of the Matriarchy.

Over at Alpha is Assumed, Martel rebukes me for a lack of Christian joy. Earlier, in My Sacrifice, he examines how the Bible mixes responsibility and reward when dealing with men, and husbands specifically.

Bryce wonders what the impact of a Boycott by the Betas would be.

Dalrock has broached an interesting idea: Solopsism as a Religious Experience. A must read is his examination of Women’s morphing need for male investment.

Cane Caldo has recently admitted that Game is a Tool after all.

Cail Corishev wonders where the fear of rejection comes from in Rejection in Slow Motion.

That’s All Folks!

And that concludes my Blogapalooza. Well, almost. I didn’t cover the future. I have a few posts in the works right now. One covers the subject of Redemption, and how we should address it in the context of salvation and avoiding people turning to the sin in the first place. Another post, tentatively titled Romantic Architecture, will examine the concept of attraction “floors” and “ceilings.” Of course, since this is my 100th post, I should end with something special. So I think I will end with one last poll, wherein I provide my readers with an opportunity to direct the subject of my next post. Or to suggest a topic/subject of their own if they don’t like the options.


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22 responses to “100th Post Blogapalooza

  1. Thanks for the linkage and praise, Donal!

  2. allamagoosa

    Congrats on all your posts. Your work is very illuminating and always a good read.

    (Oh, I figure I should let you know that your links to your “worst posts” are all links to where you can edit the posts in your admin, not the posts themselves. You may want to rectify that. You can remove this part of my comment if you wish)

  3. Thanks for alerting me to that Alla! Got sloppy and copy-pasted links from inside my dashboard. Won’t make that mistake again.

    Also, I completely forgot your post on leggings. I will correct that post-haste.

  4. Elspeth

    Appreciate the linkage, Donal!

  5. Thank you for the lovely posts. 🙂

  6. allamagoosa

    Thanks very much for the link.

  7. Congrats on your 100th post! 🙂

  8. I voted “What Is Love” as the worst post solely due to the criminal lack of Howard Jones in it (until I corrected this catastrophic error in the comments… no need to thank me citizen, merely doing my duty).

    Congrats on 100.

  9. Sis

    Woohoo! 100 posts, that is awesome.

  10. Maeve

    Maybe you could do a post on “so you’ve found The One…now what?”

  11. Thank you for the links Donal. Very much appreciated.

    You know, you asked in a previous post what men thought of more muscular women and I had intended to try to answer that and got side tracked. I’m not sure if you got an answer or not, but in case you didn’t, here goes.

    In my experience most men will like toned women who are not overtly muscular. However, as a man gets more into body building and goes beyond the basics and starts to get serious about it, the more he finds larger muscles on women attractive. Now, I’m not talking about the women who end up looking like men, but rather those who more in the middle. I think what happens is that these men really understand the discipline that it takes to achieve that and can really admire a woman who has been able to reach that goal. Also, there is something very aesthetic about a muscular body that one can really begin to appreciate and find beautiful the more one learns about building up those muscles.

  12. Very nice work on this blog, Donal, I’ve really had a lot of food for thought from your writing.

    I will bake another apple pie tomorrow in honor of your 100th post. Of course, you aren’t here to eat it, so I will have your piece. 🙂

  13. Deep Strength

    @ Stingray

    In my experience most men will like toned women who are not overtly muscular. However, as a man gets more into body building and goes beyond the basics and starts to get serious about it, the more he finds larger muscles on women attractive. Now, I’m not talking about the women who end up looking like men, but rather those who more in the middle. I think what happens is that these men really understand the discipline that it takes to achieve that and can really admire a woman who has been able to reach that goal. Also, there is something very aesthetic about a muscular body that one can really begin to appreciate and find beautiful the more one learns about building up those muscles.

    Yep, fully agree with this. I’ve noticed it with my preferences.

  14. When are you finna write on polygamy? Still waiting patiently 😉

  15. Pingback: Jamie’s Fryin’ | Alpha Is Assumed

  16. Sorry for the late replies everyone. Here goes-

    @ Maeve

    That is a good idea, certainly something that should be addressed in that series.

    @ Stingray and Deep Strength

    I think you are both correct that a more athletic/muscular man will be more apt to find a muscled woman attractive. Part of it might be that he is less concerned about a strength disparity. There is also the discipline element that you mention as well, although that is less attraction and more desire (as it isn’t physical). It is also possible that the physiological aspect of working out might impact a man’s attraction filters, and alter them so that he finds muscles more attractive in women.

    @ SSM

    That was a seamless integration of praise and a barb in just a few lines. Well done. And thanks.

    @ Mr. Darlings

    Not sure, its on my to-do list, but time is a precious commodity that I have little of at the moment.

  17. Is it too late to wish you congratulations? (Sorry, I was unwell the past few weeks)

    Can’t wait for your 200th blogapalooza! *pops one of those party streamer thingies*

  18. No BF, its not too late. And any 200th post event is a long ways off. Sorry to hear about your health.

  19. Blogging milestones have a way of creeping up on you. Sort-of like birthdays and the cable bill 😛

    & thank you for your concern.

  20. Pingback: 2017 Sigma Frame Performance Report | Σ Frame

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