Monthly Archives: May 2013

Update to Blogroll

I’ve made a few additions to my blogroll, adding in a few recent discoveries as well as some blogs I’ve been reading a while but never listed. They include:

Alpha is Assumed (Martel’s blog)

His Lordship’s Domain (Loki and Sigyn’s blog)

Verus Condito, also known as On the Rock (Stingray’s blog)

Night Sky Radio

Morning Sprinkles and Evening Gunfire (Allamagoosa’s new blog)

Geek’s Journey (Frank’s blog)


Filed under Uncategorized

Looking for The One- Episode 2: The Numbers Game

This is the second in a series known as Looking for The One.

Concerning Numbers

Last time, I covered the importance of location in finding a Christian spouse. Today the topic is the importance of numbers, in this case the number of Christian men or women you come into contact with. Simply put, the odds of you finding a Christian wife or husband is directly related to the number of unmarried Christian men or women that you meet in your search for a spouse. This comment from Deti over at Sunshinemary‘s blog is highly relevant:

Badger over at the Badgerhut a long time ago expounded a working hypothesis that, in practical terms, the average man or woman comes in contact with perhaps two, AT MOST three, individuals with whom s/he might be compatible and actually make a marriage work. My experience bears this out, actually. Of all the women I dated and/or knew before Mrs. deti, at least of the ones I got to know well enough to make a judgment, I met two women with whom I think I could have made a marriage work, and that I’m reasonably sure wouldn’t have ended in divorce. The first I met when I was 17. The second I met when I was 20.

IN the span of 45 years, that’s three marriageable women I’ve met. Three. in 45 years.

Ladies, you should think about this: Of all the men you’ve met, all the ones you’ve dated or even had sex with, how many of them are really compatible enough and have good enough character that you reasonably believe you could marry them and stay married to them? I bet it wouldn’t be more than 2 or 3, if you’re answering honestly.

Now, Deti’s comment was actually aimed at those who think they can do better and are holding out for a better man/woman to come down the line, but also serves to remind us that we only meet so many compatible people in our lives. Given the complexities and diversity of modern life, there are not going to be a whole lot of other people who we find ourselves compatible with. This rings especially true for devout Christians in an age where most Christians are now of the world and not in it, and where the Church is as often as not a force for evil as for good. If we want to bolster our chances of finding someone whom we can make into “Our One and Only,” we need as much contact with fellow Christians as possible. Well, fellow Christians of the opposite sex, that is.

Playing the numbers game

How do we increase the number of Christian men or women we meet? Well, to do that you must go to where Christian men and women are (Yes I know, easier said than done).

Churches– Let’s be honest, many churches in the USA today, and in most of the west, are bastions of “Churchianity”, a feminized and degenerate form of Christianity. But not all churches are like that, and there are many Christians inside those churches who resist Churchian doctrine. If your goal is to find a Christian spouse, a church is still the best place to look.

The reason I call this post the numbers game is because big numbers are to your advantage, including for churches. Your best bet is a church with sound doctrine, of course. But it isn’t always easy to tell if a church fits that bill. Even if you already have a sound doctrinal church, it doesn’t necessarily mean that there are other young Christians present who are husband or wife material. Even if there are, you should look elsewhere. Here is an action plan that I recommend to young Christians looking to get married:

1) Research to find all of the churches in your immediate geographic region that appear to demonstrate at least some similarity to your doctrinal choices. Many churches have webpages and an online presence now, so you should be able to find most of them using the web. I would suggest, at a minimum, looking for all the churches in a 50 mile radius of where you live. If you live in a more populated area and that leaves you with hundreds of choices, then perhaps you can narrow it a bit. But 50 miles might not be enough for those living in a less populated area, so consider larger search areas.

2) Map them out using something like Google maps, so you have an idea where they are distributed. Use different color markers or tokens or something to distinguish churches. You want to be able to change the markers afterward as well. The idea is notate how likely of a match a church is going to be, and then when you learn more update the marker afterward with what you learned.

3) Make a list of the churches you find, with the top of the list being those churches you think the best suited to find a spouse, and the bottom of the list being those least likely.

4) Visit a new church every week. That’s right, every week you need to visit a new church, starting with the top of your list and working your way down. After visiting each church, write up a quick review afterward and determine if it might be worth a further look. Assign each church a score, and update your map. Continue to work your way down the list as long as necessary.

5) On Mother’s Day and Father’s Day visit the two churches you thought might be best. Those days are important because sermons on those days tend to reveal the true nature of a church: whether it is doctrinally sound or whether it has become feminized.

6) Once you have found a half a dozen to a dozen churches that you think are solid prospects, you can return to them and begin active efforts to find a spouse.


Christian Universities- These represent another possible location where you might find young Christians inclined to, and worthy of, marriage. This is especially true for Christian women looking for a husband.  Now, such universities are far less common than churches, so you likely won’t have many to go through on your list. But otherwise most of the same methods you would use to evaluate churches would apply for colleges as well, the main difference being how you interact with them. This area requires more thought, and plan on creating a separate post down the line about it.


Christian Ministries and Aid groups– Here we have another potential location to find young Christians. Once again, they are limited in number, so it should be easy to investigate all of the local ones properly.


Once you have narrowed down your search parameters, its time to play the game in earnest. Spend time at the half-dozen or so locations you rated highest and try and meet as many young Christians as possible. Remember, it is all about the numbers; the more the merrier as the saying goes. This is a long term project, one that may take you years, so be prepared to invest a lot of time and effort in it. If you aren’t having any success in your immediate geographic area, expand the radius of your search. Try out to a hundred miles or more, if need be. Think of it this way: If only 1 out of a 1000 young Christians is worthy and willing to be your husband or wife, then you need to meet a 1000 young Christians to have a chance of finding that potential wife or husband. Finding The One in this day and age will be a difficult quest. It is a long and narrow path that we as Christians have chosen to walk, and we need to keep that in mind.


Filed under Marriage, Red Pill

Looking for The One- Episode 1: Location, Location, Location

There is an old saying, one probably as old as the quote in the title of this post, which goes something like this: Time is Money. This isn’t true, of course. Time isn’t money; it is far more precious than mere coin. Money you can earn or recover, but time, once spent, is gone forever. With finding a right spouse one of the most important decisions, if not the most important decision, a young Christian can make, it is essential that the time be well spent.  If you are going to look for a wife or husband, you need to make that time count. This is where the quote in the title comes into play: time well spent looking for a spouse is time spent looking in the right place. Just as finding the right property is about Location, Location, Location, so too is finding the right spouse all about Location, Location, Location.

A Brief Story

To explain what I mean by this, let’s examine the situation of Michael over at Dalrock‘s. Here is a small blurb of Michael’s story:

I’m a self employed attorney and businessmen. I live alone directly on the beach in Los Angeles. I’ve never been married. My adjusted net income was over $170,000.00 last year. My first fiscal quarter of 2013 is consistent with 2012.

I’ve wanted marriage more than anything in the world. However I was passed over / rejected by women in college, law school, then throughout most of my twenties. Currently my business takes up all my time. I exist in my office chair. I am writing these comments from the office (7:00pm PST). I work long stressful hours. 60-80+ hour weeks. One day weekends (sometimes less).

When I’m not working I’m physically active, playing video games, doing chores, or drinking. I lead a pretty dull life outside of the office. Whenever I think about not being married I crack open a beer or ten. Or perhaps an expensive glass of wine from my Vino, or make a mixed drink from my home bar. In any case it’s all n an effort to forget I’m alone. That I never found my soul mate. That I never duplicated the kind of conservative intact loving family I was raised in.

The rest of his comment can be found here. It is worth reading through the comments that follow in response to Michael, because there is some helpful and not so helpful advice given to him. But to summarize the situation: Michael is a successful lawyer living in LA who has thus far failed to find a wife. So how did someone so successful otherwise fail to find a good woman to marry? Well, his reference to a “soul mate” is a problem, and so too is his devotion to long hours (what is the point if he has no family to support?). But the real problem here is where he lives: Los Angeles.

Michael makes big of the fact that he is a successful lawyer making $170k a year in LA. What he fails to keep in mind is that he is a successful lawyer making $170k a year in LA. Making that much money in LA is no big deal; there are a lot of people in Los Angeles making that much, and a lot (though not as many) making a whole lot more. You have executives, movie and TV stars and others who make far more money than Michael is in the same city. Sure he might be in the top 10% or so, but in a region with millions of people, that doesn’t mean a whole lot. Nor does being a successful lawyer, as compared to a Hollywood big shot or a corporate executive.

Money and Status are both LAMPS attributes, but in LA making $170k a year isn’t much different than making $17k a year when you compare it someone making $ 1.7 million a year. Money is the weakest of the LAMPS factors, you need to have a lot, or make a lot, for it to mean much. That means be a millionaire or better in a place like LA. Likewise, the Status of being a successful lawyer with his own practice in LA is nothing compared to what else is available. Michael may be a big fish, but there are bigger fish out there, and LA is a very big pond.

The sad thing is that if he turned his eyes north he would find a very different situation. While a successful lawyer making $170k a year isn’t a big deal in LA, it is a much bigger deal along California’s Central Coast area, especially when you get north of Santa Barbara (which is actually a fairly wealthy area, see here). Starting in northern Santa Barbara county and moving up to Monterey county Michael would find an area where the median income is roughly $59k or so on average. While the pond would be smaller, he would have been a much bigger fish in comparison to the others around him. Simply put, Michael has been looking in the wrong place for a wife.

Lessons Learned

Lets recap what Michael was doing wrong:

1) Counting on his salary to attract a good woman. The problem is that money is the weakest of the LAMPS attributes, you need an awful lot in the current environment for it to get you anywhere.

2) Counting on his status/occupation to attract a good woman. Status is a fairly powerful LAMPS attribute, but successful lawyer is UMC level, not rock star level when it comes to status.

3) Looking in LA for a wife. If your goal is to find a good Christian wife, LA is not the place to look. While the City of Angels is not Sin City, it is a very superficial place which is infused with pop culture, and thus not likely to be the home of many wholesome unmarried Christian women. And those who do call LA their home are looking for movie stars, not successful lawyers.

So what should he have been doing? Three lessons to be learned:

1) Money is the weakest of the LAMPS factors, and you need an awful lot of it to really stand out, especially in a big city. However, once you shrink the size of the pond a decent salary counts for more and more. Michael’s $170k a year doesn’t stand out in LA, but it would a few hundred miles north.

2) Status is relative to those around you. Being a successful lawyer means little in a city full of stars. But in the counties north of LA it would have counted for a lot more.

3) Big cities are an awful place to look for a Christian wife. They aren’t friendly to living a righteous life,  and that applies to men and women alike. Also, its difficult to sift through the chaff to find the wholesome grains in a big city.

Strategies to employ concerning location

1) Avoid big cities. There are a number of problems with finding a good Christian spouse in a big city. First, for men there will be a larger number of “big fish” you will have to contend with who can garner most of the female attention. You need to attract a woman in order to woo her, and that is more difficult for men in a big city. Second, big cities tend to contain more vice, and also tend to attract those who are drawn to the “big city life.” Those same individuals are not likely to be the kind of young Christian men or women you are looking for. Third is the sifting problem. Simply put, in a big city, where you are going to encounter more people daily, you are more likely to suffer from information overload as you try and asses the qualities of potential spouses.

2) Avoid overwhelmingly rural areas.  The out of wedlock birth rate in rural areas is potentially worse than in the big cities according to this. Given the relatively low population to begin with, spending time there is wasteful, as the likelihood of gain compared to the cost is too small. The exception would be rural areas with a concentration of very conservative believers. Otherwise, rural areas are mostly not worth your time.

3) Focus on small to mid-size towns. Small towns provide a balance between larger urban areas and the rural countryside. The population is high enough so that there will be sufficient churches and other places to search for a spouse, while at the same time avoiding the pitfalls of a big city. I think that a range in city size between 10,000 and 100,000 is ideal.

4) Avoid state capitols (in blue states). DC of course is right out. State capitols are going to draw more UMC types, young professionals and young activists than other cities their size. In a blue or even purple state that means a huge percentage of the young unmarried types (more than normal) are not going to match up with your beliefs. In a red state the opposite might be the case, depending on the state. [I will look into this.]

5) Avoid public university towns. Most universities are essentially indoctrination/propaganda centers these days, so a young Christian is unlikely to find a potential mate there (even the “Christian” clubs tend to be very Churchian in nature). For men, you are going to find women that will probably care more about their education and career than their family. For women things are a big brighter, and it might be worthwhile to consider these places as an option.

6) Consider Christian university towns. This only applies to universities that are actually Christian in their nature, otherwise they are no better (maybe even worse) than public university towns. For Christian women a town with a Christian university may actually be a great place to find a husband. Graduate schools are especially good places to look for a Christian man with potential. The engineering, business, law or medical school at a Christian university is more likely to attract a serious minded young Christian man, the kind of man a Christian woman would want as a husband. For men the picture isn’t as rosy, but programs like nursing and library science might not be bad places to look either.

7) Concentrate in areas where the LMC and MC predominate. Lower class areas are less likely to be religious, and the pool of available spouses will be small. Unless you are a very attractive man or woman, an upper class local also provides limited options. The UMC tends to be very career/education focused, so for a Christian woman it may not be a bad place to look. But for men you are likely to find women who care more about their careers and education than about raising a family. But the LMC and MC tends to be very family oriented, and so your best bet to locate other young Christians intent to start their own family.

[Note: I will update this post as time goes on. If anyone has anything ideas of their own to add, please feel free to include them in the comments below. I will add anything which I feel contributes to the overall purpose of the post.]


Filed under LAMPS, Marriage, Red Pill

Looking for The One- Link Compilation

This post will serve as compilation of all of the links that I can find and that are brought to my attention concerning how to find a good wife. They will be divided into two categories: Christian and secular. I will update it as time passes.



Dalrock on Interviewing a prospective wife Part 1 and Part 2



Pick the Right Wife

How to find a Wife


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Looking for The One- Episode 0: Different Approaches

Christian men and women share a similar problem in this day and age: finding a suitable mate. But the problem afflicts them in different ways, and so they must each approach it from a different angle. Much of this centers around the differences in what men and women look for in a mate. Men look for youth and beauty when it comes to attraction, and a feminine personality when it comes to character traits. Women look for the various LAMPS attributes for attraction, and Beta or comfort traits when it comes to character.  But that is only part of the story. Before you can apply any strategies on how to find a spouse, you need to know what you are looking for…


What Christian Men should look for in a potential wife:

1) Devout Christian. Whether you are Protestant, Orthodox or Catholic, you want as your wife a woman who takes her faith seriously, and doesn’t view the Church as a social club. Her faith can’t be the product of some desire to satisfy or please her parents.  It needs to be real, genuine, sincere.  If she doesn’t share your exact faith, is she willing to convert? She must be willing to submit to your authority, and if she disagrees with you on something as fundamental as your faith, expect problems down the road. Just as important her faith must not be “Churchian” in nature, ie. “feminized.” If she is a Churchian, then you must be able to convince her of the falsity of the doctrine she clings to, otherwise she is a risk you cannot afford to take.

2) Feminine. Men respond positively to feminine women, and Christian men are no different than secular men when it comes to this. If a woman acts feminine, she will bring out the best in you. Not to mention that a feminine woman is more likely to act as a woman rather than a man.

3) Takes care of herself. There is only so much that a woman can do about her beauty, but keeping herself fit plays a huge role. You want as your wife a woman who respects her body. Someone who eats healthy and exercises regularly is an increasingly rare commodity these days. It shows discipline, always a good sign, and will help her live longer and happier.

4) Resilient. Life is tough, can she handle the challenge? You want a woman who is able to handle the duties of wife and mother. Will she fold when things get tough (and they always will at some point)? It will not be easy living as a Christian in the future, aside from all of the other difficulties in life, and you want a woman who can carry on despite the trials.

5) Submissive. Is she willing to follow your lead? Will she accept your orders, even if she disagrees? You want a woman who is comfortable fitting in the First Officer role, and won’t constantly rebel against you. As the Bible makes abundantly clear, nothing is worse than a rebellious wife.

6) Industrious. Proverbs 31 speaks of a wife who is a blessing to her household, because she contributes so much to it. You want as your wife a woman who isn’t lazy, but instead a hard worker. Look for someone who is creative, and is willing, eager even to find ways to save money and earn it for your household.


What Christian Women should look for in a potential husband:

1) Devout Christian. Whether you are Protestant, Orthodox or Catholic, you want as your husband a man who takes his faith seriously, and doesn’t view the Church as a social club. His faith can’t be the product of some desire to satisfy or please his parents.  It needs to be real, genuine, sincere.  If he doesn’t share your exact faith, are you willing to convert? You must be willing to submit to his authority, and if you disagree with him on something as fundamental as your faith, expect problems down the road. Just as important his faith must not be “Churchian” in nature, ie. “feminized.” If he is a Churchian, then you must ask yourself if you should try and convince him of the falsity of the doctrine he clings to. If he needs just a nudge or two in the right direction, then you should be ok. But if he is blind to the truth, or requires real pushing, then he is unfit for the role of husband.

2) Masculine. You need a man who is strongly masculine, as his masculinity will influence whether you are attracted to him. This is especially important, because women are much more limited in how many men they find attractive.  You need your husband to satisfy your desire for masculinity in your life, otherwise you will feel insecure and unhappy.

3) Takes care of himself. A man who takes care of himself is a man with self-discipline. This attribute is essential; without it a man will fall astray. Also, his health is essential for the well-being of the family. If he takes care of himself by exercising and eating right, his ability to protect and provide for your and your children will be greater and last longer. Furthermore, he will be more attractive in your eyes, which will help maintain your affections for him; leaving both of you happier in the process.

4) Resilient. Life is hard. Can he endure hardships and troubles? Will he fold or break when life is cruel? You want as your husband someone who can stand up to the burdens of life, someone who won’t run away or crawl into the bottle. This toughness isn’t physical, but mental and spiritual. Is his faith strong enough to survive what lies ahead? What about his will? He must be strong for you and your family; a family is only as tough as its leader.

5) Authoritative. Is he willing to lead? Capable of leading? Your husband will be the leader of your family; you need a man who is comfortable with the role and ultimately unafraid of it. In order to love a man you must respect him, and a woman cannot respect a man who cannot or will not lead.

6) Industrious. He must be a hard worker to provide for you and your children. Whether it is with his mind or his back, can he support your family, now and in the future? If he is still young and establishing himself, does he show signs of being a capable provider down the road? You need as a husband a man who understands he is working for more than himself, and won’t slack off at the first opportunity.

The Age Factor

There is another matter which needs to be addressed, age.

A Christian man should be looking for a woman younger than himself, with the age gap widening as he gets older. Men are discouraged in popular culture against dating/courting/marrying women significantly younger than themselves, ignore this. While there may be some who disagree, I think that as a safety precaution a man shouldn’t marry a woman 30 or older unless there is a very good reason why she hadn’t married sooner. One acceptable reason would be if she had spent years recovering from a terrible injury. Otherwise, if a woman isn’t married by then someone is likely wrong with her. Either she has toxic hypergamy, or has a very low to non-existent sex-drive, or some other hidden fault. While there may be some God-fearing marriageable women in this group, unless you as a man are significantly older, say 40+, you shouldn’t be looking at this cohort. Under 25 is probably preferable, for several reasons. First, she will still retain much of her fertility, ensuring that you can have the number of children you desire without resorting to medical aid. Second, she will most likely have retained much of her youthful beauty, which will help with the creation of wife goggles. Third, a younger woman is less likely to be jaded and corrupted by outside influences, even if she has remained chaste.

A Christian woman should be looking for a man older than herself, with the maximum age set not by some bright line rule but more by health and compatibility. Popular culture might advocate against an age gap, but as a Christian woman you shouldn’t have any concern for popular culture. Instead, you are looking for a man who can fulfill the role of husband. Don’t be afraid of men 5 to 10 years older than yourself. First one, they are more likely to have established themselves and gained a steady income as compared to a younger man, especially given the current economy. This will help with meeting the financial needs of your family. Second, they are apt to be more mature and more confident than their younger counter-parts. That means they will be both more attractive and responsible, and better equipped to deal with the world. Third, because of their experience you will find it easier to look up to and admire them for their accomplishments, which will not only aid you in being a submissive wife, but give you the respectful attitude which is essential to truly loving a man.


There is more of course, but I can’t think of it at the moment. If anyone else has any thoughts and ideas on what to look for in a potential Christian spouse, please feel free to chime in. I hope to make this series a community project, and invite anyone who is interest to contribute.


Filed under Marriage, Red Pill

Looking for The One

Despite the Evil One’s best efforts, there are still young Christian men and women in the US who aim to avoid the sinfulness of the modern American Sexual Market-Place. Rather than seeking immediate sexual gratification, this faithful remnant wishes to marry and raise a family in accordance with God’s commandments. Unfortunately, there are a number of hurdles which have been placed in their way to prevent them from living a righteous life:

1) The Church is no longer a supportive institution. The manosphere is full of horror stories of American churches doing their best to keep young people from marrying. Whether it comes from ideas like “Kiss Dating Goodbye” or actively decrying the idea of marrying young, the environment in many American churches is toxic. Many of them are feminized to one degree or another, and discourage Alpha attributes in men.

2) They have no convenient means of locating one another. Most churches are social clubs now, and some of them are little better than “Sunday Morning Nightclubs. ” Two generations ago you could be fairly certain that you could find Mr. Right or Ms. Right at church; that surety is as extinct as the dodo.

3) The general culture discourages young marriage. Women especially are encouraged to “find themselves”, and to only marry after they have acquired what Dalrock has termed “feminist merit badges.”

This raises the question: what are young Christians looking to get married to do? How are they supposed to react to this kind of situation, an environment which is more hostile to true Christians then any since the early followers of The Way were forced into the catacombs by Rome?

I have a few ideas, and intend for this to be the beginning of a series of posts concerning different strategies that young Christians looking to marry can take in order to help them find a Christian wife or husband. Hopefully I will be able to convince a few other bloggers to add their own thoughts and ideas on the subject. My goal is for this to be a community project for the manosphere, as many bloggers are in a position similar to myself or will be facing this problem in a few years as their children get older.

What do I mean by The One?

I should be clear that when I say “The One”, I don’t mean a “soul-mate.” In fact my use of the phrase is intentionally ironic. The concept of a soul-mate is un-Christian, and has no place in Christian discourse. In fact, the search for a “soul-mate” is a core component of the sexual immorality prevalent in the Church today via the practice of serial monogamy. As a Christian, you want to avoid “oneitis.” Instead of looking for some mythical person out there who God made just for you, you want to look for your “One and Only.” A person who is a good match or fit for you, someone whom you can work with and spend the rest of your life with.

Future Posts in this series:

0) Different Approaches

1) Location, Location, Location

2) The Numbers Game

3) Enlisting the Herd

Update: I am working on the next post in this series, a sort of “episode 0” which will briefly cover some basic differences in how Christian men and women will need to approach this problem.


Filed under Churchianity, Marriage, Red Pill

Some Thoughts on Sin

I’ve been busy lately, and haven’t had time to blog much. Perhaps in a few days I will be able to get back into the flow, but there is one topic that has been on my mind: Sin.

One of the major topics in the Christian manosphere has always been the fact that “Churchian” culture tends to overlook or ignore the Temporal consequences of sin. Somehow the lasting and lingering effects of sin upon our lives here on Earth don’t get mentioned, instead God’s forgiveness and mercy seem to get all the attention. Unfortunately, too many Christians seem to think that because God has forgiven us for our sins we won’t suffer here on Earth because of what we have done. To say that this belief has unfortunate consequences is an understatement of epic proportions. As I was thinking on this phenomenon it occurred to me that there are really three “types” of sins:

1) Sins that have little to no lasting temporal effects up us or upon others. (An example might be using the LORD’s name in vain).

2) Sins that have lasting temporal effects upon us, but usually not upon others (The sin of gluttony would be a good example).

3) Sins that have lasting temporal effects that affect us and other people. (The sins of Adultery or Murder would fit here).

[The key word in all three categories is lasting]

I know that Biblical scholars and theologians have explored this subject ad nauseam, and I rather doubt that I can add anything to the discussion of sin that hasn’t been addressed before. But I think that pointing out the different categories of sins can help those of us in this part of the internet when we try and explain the harm that Churchian culture is causing in the West. Because what appears to be the norm amongst Churchians now is that they are treating all sins as falling into category 1. This is done by explaining that if someone sins and hurts another, then all that person has to do is forgive the sinner and there will be no lasting consequences. Everything will be forgotten and everyone can keep moving forward with life. Unfortunately, those of us in the manosphere know that some sins have effects that persist irrespective of whether someone seeks forgiveness or not.

From my own perspective this seems to be more of a problem with Protestants than with Catholics or Orthodox in the West, but even the latter two sub-sets of Christianity are not free from this perversion of doctrine. The reason why I mention all of this is because I think this particular bit of Christian teaching is one that might be easier to fix than other problems in the Church. The feminization of the Church is pervasive, and while this shift in understanding might be a product of that transformation, it is largely detached from it. So it poses something of an opportunity for Christians in the West to start repairing the damage to the Church without having to confront the enemy head-on. We have to start somewhere, and this is as good a place as any.

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Filed under Churchianity

A Solution to Beta Orbiting?

Apparently there is an anti-biotic which can be used help men protect themselves from attractive women. Some Japanese researchers set up a trust game which involved giving money to women with the potential of a 3 to 1 return, and then gave half of the men a placebo and half the drug minocycline. The results:

As shown, men who were taking placebo offered about 50% of their money in the trust game to women of “low attractiveness,” while they gave 65% of their money to women of “high attractiveness.” Men receiving a regimen of minocycline gave about 50% to both groups of women.

The article suggests that it might be a useful drug for businessmen to take when engaging an attractive female, but I can think of a better use. Give this drug to every Beta Orbiter out there so he can be released from the spell of an attractive female, and realize that he is being used as a disposable appliance by his orbitee. It might also be useful for a man looking to get married, to take it before proposing, to ensure that he is thinking rationally and it isn’t a huge mistake. Any other uses I am missing?


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